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The focus has shifted from traditional benefits like a good pension, salary, and holidays to include aspects such as hybrid working, flexible working, culture, ethos, and values.

How we can support your organisation to  develop race equality strategies. Take a look at our Equality Plan.

Equal pay deals with the pay differences between Black, Asian and minority ethnic employees and white employees who carry out the same jobs, similar jobs or work of equal value. It is unlawful to pay people unequally because of their race. The race pay gap would show the difference in the average pay between Black, Asian and minority ethnic employees and white employees in a workforce.

Across the UK economy, white men are more likely than Black men to be in senior roles (especially very senior roles at the top of organisations) see how this wealth gap impacts living and how we are working on strategies to change procurement.

Our Suggestions

  • To develop policies and ways of working that support and encourage black, Asian and minority ethnic individuals into employment and  set up a stepping stones pathway to management policy, training and guidance. 

  •  Ensure all of your policies, strategies and projects are subject to an equality impact assessment to ensure fairness.

  • Your job adverts include an inclusivity statement which encourages applications from underrepresented groups to apply for our roles and advertise on a variety of job boards.  train and retrain managers on unconscious bias and as part of addressing the gap complete targeted recruitment campaigns.

  • Conduct analysis to document any imbalance of race in certain roles within your business and  address this seek; more black, Asian and minority ethnic employees in underrepresented roles throughout your organisation. 

  • As part of working to address imbalances look at how you can attract more Black, Asian and minority ethnic employees  and will work to understand and address any barriers to employment. Cities across the UK regions with high White British populations and therefore the lowest black, Asian and minority ethnic employees included Swansea (91.5%), Kingston Upon Hull (89.7%), Plymouth (92.2%), Darlington (93.7%), Belfast (96.4% - NI classification "white"), Norwich (84.7%), Liverpool (84.8%) and Chelmsford (90.0%). This will have a huge impact on representation however promoting remote working practices can increase EDI numbers.

  • This may include reviewing your terms and conditions, understanding working practices which may be creating barriers, looking at targeted recruitment for any vacancies, working on your own career pathways and succession plans, and making best use of apprenticeships to support with career development and change.

Our Equality Plan includes: 

We are committed to working with organisations  to close the Race Pay Gap and Equal Pay Gap. Our actions below highlight how we will be proactive in supporting you to achieve  long lasting positive change. 

  • Our action: We will carry out proactive targeted recruitment campaigns aimed at attracting more Black, Asian and minority ethnic candidates for your vacancies. Using channels such as  Meetup to organise local recruitment events.

  • Our action: We will organise online recruiting careers events that promote your EDI strategy 

  • Our action: We will carry out proactive targeted recruitment campaigns aimed at attracting black, Asian and minority ethnic candidates onto your stepping stones management pathway

  • Our action: We will recruit black, Asian and minority ethnic candidates for apprenticeship opportunities and direct with routes to support access to employment and career change

  • Our action: We will employ black, Asian and minority ethnic candidates and support them complete their NVQ diploma in recruitment when you sign up for our Equality Plan. Take a look

  • Our action: We will work with you to develop terms and conditions for roles within your business with the aim of removing barriers to pay equity and progression

  • Our action: We will monitor race data via forms that record applicants ethnicity and languages spoken

  • Our action: We will review approach to remote working for all roles to see the ones that can best support inclusivity.

  • Our action: We will support you to develop your approach to career pathways, talent management and succession planning. 

  • Work with us directly or work with us via the Cirrus Framework (take a look)

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