The Black Lives Matter era is over. It taught us the limits of diversity for diversity’s sake
Best Practice Portal
A comprehensive range of practical online resources. Addressing and providing solutions for BAME recruitment, retention and progression for your EDI team.
Beyond the quick fix: How workforce data can drive deeper organizational problem-solving
The Concrete Ceiling
Navigating the Complex Realities: Unveiling the Struggles of Black Job Seekers in the UK Job Market Justin Ukaegbu
ONS publishes report on ethnicity pay gap statistics
Why You Need a Supplier-Diversity Program
6 innovative and effective approaches to upskilling Slack’s recent radical upskilling booster week highlighted the urgent need for new approaches to L&D: here are some of the most groundbreaking.
Diversity is more important than ever in today’s job market
How to Intervene When You Witness a Microaggression by Jennifer Kim and Alyson Meister
Diversity data: colour or ethnicity? This article was first published in Arts Professional on 21.02.2023
How the Best Bosses Interrupt Bias on Their Teams (Joan C. Williams and Sky Mihaylo)
BAME things Distracting, Troubling, Othering (Published by Dr Nadeem Moghal)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Recruitment - Building a Diverse Team (published by Marcia C. Manarin)
Investing in BAME Development ( Published by Dame Neslyn Watson-Druée, DBE